The project 'Las últimas luces' explores spaces of Spanish geography dedicated to bullfighting with the purpose of highlighting and revealing possible narratives of a story that exceeds space-time parameters due to their symbolic value, which constructs and determines them.
Mythical and sacred, fear and wound, animal abuse… entangle with social, cultural, economic, ideological, and political conventions of a spectacle whose iconography is questioned in this visual essay. Las últimas luces looks towards what’s real in order to discover the mechanisms that built that reality. This is a crucial issue that Fuembuena expresses in his work, because it is the only way that we can comprehend, and not merely look at, the world.
Las últimas luces moves away from works that document bullfighting following the conventional representation devices; the intention is to subvert them out of a desire to focus the critical eye on a spectacle in crisis.
Onlie exhibition. OFF Festival PhotoEspaña