
Inma Femenía

‘Earth: a Retrospective’ in Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, Valencia

Jul 7 2022 - Jun 4 2023

Earth: A Retrospective
Bombas Gens Centre d’Art, València
07 July 2022 – 04 June 2023
Curated by El Ultimo Grito

UV printing on PVC
Variable dimensions
Within the framework of World Design Capital Valencia 2022, Bombas Gens Centre d’Art – under the artistic direction of Sandra Guimarães— has invited El Ultimo Grito to create an exhibition proposal based on the Per Amor a l’Art Collection. In this exhibition, design operates as a conceptual and material narrative and curatorial device, sketching a sort of language of the interlude, engaging in a dialogue that opens a speculative approach into the nature of this collection and its individual works.

For El Ultimo Grito, design is an inbetweener. Design is an action, a verb, and not a noun or object. Although these are commonly mistaken as design, they are just by-products of these processes. Design lives in those in-between spaces that exist between humans and their surrounding worlds, both real or fictional, conceptually and materially connecting two distinct points in time and space.

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“Earth: A Retrospective” showcases the Per Amor a l’Art Collection as a “creative geography” –an editing concept developed by Lev Kuleshov, designed to collide shots from different locations to generate a seamless new landscape where the narrative elapses. With this project, El Ultimo Grito is looking back at Earth from an undetermined point in a future space-time. A point in which our memory of Earth is broken and our only link back to it is a collection of images where signified and signifier become blurred; where our gaze romanticises them into narratives seeking to find meaning beyond their historicity.


Source: Bombas Gens
