
Hyper Studio


Jun 20 - Jul 20, 2019

Max Estrella is pleased to present the work by duo Cristóbal Baños (Murcia, 1995) and Diego Iglesias (Madrid, 1992), a.k.a. Hyper Studio. This exhibition is part of Proyectos Estrella program and runs in dialogue with Markus Linnenbrink’s show WHOLEWIDEWORLDWONDERFUL. Color and time play a central role here and serve as a link to Windows. This is the title of the interactive installation that the artistic pair debuts with in a gallery space.

Hyper Studio’s work reflects on the echo of our existence in the digital world. That is, the tensions generated between an artificial presence and real life. Dependence on a dematerialized alter-ego generates identity dyslexia and interferes with our capacity to make decisions independently.

“Being present is very difficult; it is a quality we have lost. Now we are in constant translation. Our bodies travel through clouds of data which surround us through technological devices whose mechanisms and implications we’ll never entirely understand. These devices evaluate us, know us, recognize us, help us, make decisions for us, manipulate and even predict us. They exist.” The artists claim.

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Windows is capable of reading height, speed of movement and the outline of the viewer’s figure that enters in its action field. Data is received, analyzed and translated into light. This interactive installation is a window between the physical and virtual world.

The piece aims to capture time. Not only the instant when visitors interact with it, but also time from the day it is activated until its shut down. It will record everything that happens in its field of action. Along with time, spectator’s bodies are turned into numbers, shapes and color, remaining trapped into Windows’ programming code. Part of them will be assimilated into the installation forever. These new digital entities have their own time and space. If the room was sitting empty, the piece would remain in a stand-by state, waiting for a body to read, a time to capture, never sleeping.

HYPER STUDIO is a creative studio established in 2016. Their work is centered in researching the relationship between individuals and their immediate technological environment, whether that happens through the movement of a cursor on a screen or the body in a space. Their work has been exhibited at Museu de Belles Arts de Castelló (Castellón, 2019), 4YFN Four Years From Now Congress (Barcelona, 2019), Pública 19 Encuentros Internacionales de Gestión Cultural (Madrid, 2019), Swatch Creative Natives Festival (Madrid, 2018), ‘Becoming’ Spanish Pavilion in the Venice Biennale of Architecture (Venice, 2018), ARCO Fair’s OFF Program (Madrid, 2018) and Festival Luna de Octubre (Madrid, 2017), among others.

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