
Glenda León

Listening to the Rain

Jun 6 - Aug 1, 2024

Max Estrella is thrilled to announce the representation of Glenda León. On this occasion, we will be showing her work 'Escuchando la lluvia' (Listening to the Rain), at the Gallery's Project Room from Thursday, June the 6th. de Glenda León. Con motivo de esta colaboración, mostraremos su obra 'Escuchando la lluvia' en la Project Room de la Galería a partir del jueves 6 de junio.

This blown glass sculpture was created by a master craftsman from the Real Fábrica de Cristales de La Granja in Segovia and represents the sound graph of a water drop falling. “Listening to the Rain” was the main piece in León’s solo exhibition titled “Celestial Chemistry,” held at the Museo de Puebla (Mexico) in 2024.

The piece refers to a conversation the artist had with her great friend José Luis Brea before his passing, in which he alluded to the micro-sounds of nature. The sound of rain is actually the sound of thousands of drops hitting surfaces, the sound of waves, each water molecule in the sea impacting each grain of sand, or the wind brushing against each leaf of a tree.

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This deep and detailed perception aligns with the artist’s interests: focusing attention on small actions to highlight their significance and grandeur, achieving a state of expanded consciousness. She has explored this with the blink of an eye, the sound of breathing, the heartbeat, each step we take, human hair, chewed gum, or the dust from a butterfly’s wing. It is an invitation to pause, to listen with our eyes, and to see with our ears.

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