Max Estrella Gallery presents for the first time in Spain the most recent exhibition project by the renowned German artist Markus Linnenbrink (Dortmund, 1961). He lives and works between New York and Dortmund and his works have been exhibited internationally, from Seoul to San Francisco or Chicago, as well as in numerous German cities.
A true multidisciplinary artist, on this occasion he will show the different aspects of his work, from painting or sculpture in different formats, to a suggestive installation in the back room, with various wall paintings that will invade the walls, floor and ceiling of the gallery, similar to the impressive wallpaintings created in 2003 for the entrance hall of the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles or for the Rockefeller Center in New York in 2008.
His suggestive and material painting is a continuous experimentation with materials: using dry pigment, water, acrylic layers and epoxy resin, he skillfully explores the transparency and consistency of paint through multiple chromatic undulations.
In some works, the multiplicity of color lines is created by drips (visible in the lower part of the painting) that immerse us in the sensuality and beauty of the apparent simplicity of color. While in other works intense chromatic variations appear on the surface of the painting through the excavation of numerous concentric circles, piercing the surface of the painting to reveal the different layers of vibrant colors that form it.
In Linnenbrink’s works, the titles are puns that make direct reference to feelings and emotions. However, in a dialectic between intention and chance, between improvisation and deliberation, the artist unleashes a multiplicity of interpretations … letting the viewer’s eye wander freely over the phrasing of the colored bands.